Is happiness inherited
In other words, there is not just one genetic pathway that determines happiness, and there is not just one personal characteristic that defines happiness.In the end, it's impossible to determine on a personal level how much your happiness is determined genetically.Researchers have long understood that our genes play a significant role in our happiness, but this study suggests that happiness can be understood as the sum of different genetic contributions.Does happiness depend on genetics?Even if someone inherits genes of depression, it is possible to not be depressed.
Can you go against your genes and learn to be happy?Our feelings in our lifetime can affect our children.So by that logic, yes, there are genes that may predispose you to a happier disposition.I read an article recently in which a woman wrote that happiness is an inherited trait in people.It's a finding that is surprising and not surprising at the same time.
In other words, everyone is born with a certain set point for happiness in the same way that your househo0ld thermostat is set to maintain a certain temperature in your home.This means that you cannot simply decide to be happy and expect to feel better immediately, but through learning and experience you can change yourself and your surroundings to find greater happiness.Yet it is almost impossible to change genes to improve your satisfaction.People who are depressed can't just snap their fingers and cheer up;However, there is no magic happy gene but rather thousands of gene variants, each making a tiny contribution to our happiness.