What was the aim of Pavlov s dog experiment
Pavlov's dog experiments played a critical role in the discovery of one of the most important concepts in psychology:People built a psychological learning theory from his small accidental discovery.During the 1890s, ivan pavlov was a russian physiologist who was researching salivation in dogs as a response to being fed.One day, he noticed that his dogs began salivating as soon as they heard the footsteps of the assistant approaching with the food.These measurements would then be recorded onto a revolving drum so that pavlov could monitor salivation rates throughout the experiments.
Pavlov's dogs experiment came about as part of an accidental discovery.This experiment took place in 1890 and was designed by ivan pavlov, a famous russian psychologist from the time who made tremendous advances in this particular field.While the dogs were being fed, he used a small test tube to measure the saliva by inserting it into their cheeks.After several repetitions, the sound alone caused the dogs to salivate.Ivan pavlov's classical conditioning dog salivation experiment (pavlov, 1901) 7 terms.
To investigate if hungry dogs can be classically conditioned to salivate to the sound of a bell.