How do you share your wisdom
I'll help you uncover your why and what, answer your questions about writing a book, and help you decide what you want to do next.However, once you've processed the problematic event, consider sharing your wisdom.Have you thought about writing a book that shares your wisdom with others, but you aren't sure you should?Be selective in choosing who you are going to invest this time with.The power of patience can conquer obstacles.
The expression, when the teacher is ready the student will appear is right on here.You might even have naysayers in your life who say, who are you to write a book of advice?When you approach the sharing of your thoughts and feelings with others, do so with an attitude of respect for yourself and for the other person.The function of language is for the exchange or sharing of information.When you've overcome something painful in your life, consider sharing what you've learned with people that are eager to listen.
It would be of little value to give great advice and not live some writing about the above as you identify the topic.Do that for instance by joining women matters live conversations of the wisdom factory.1.decide on the topic of your course.Be the wisdom you share.
Search it before we meet, i'll send you a detailed questionnaire in which you tell me what you're thinking—your concerns, your fears, your desires, your dreams.Wisdom sharing takes time and courage.2.choose one that meets at the intersection:You may have a nugget of advice that can transform someone else's life for the better.Information without transformation does little to create change:
Mistakes make you mature enough and prove guiding pillars in future.Toward sharing your wisdom we might say, if you notice something, you might want to offer something that will enlighten.