Why does my baby sound congested after eating
The sphincter in a newborn is not mature yet;A congested nose can scare us to the worst as it looks like the baby is going to be smothered.He was diagnosed with reflux and we were also put on a small quantity of rice cereal per feeding.If is breastfed, she might be allergic to something in her mom's diet.When a baby's noise gets congested, they inevitably breathe a little differently than normal, doing their best to get air past all the gunk in their nose or their swollen throats.
Can you pump and give a bottle so you can add cereal as your pedi suggested?Croup is not a common infection in newborns.Q&a get advice from millions of moms ask a question questions & answers.Undersheriff jon sappington said this will be the department's fourth dog.Roy benaroch, a pediatrician and author of solving health and behavioral problems from birth through preschool. infant noses are so small to begin with, so even a little swelling …
Newborns always breathe noisily, so that isn't necessarily an issue either.It could also be due to a cold or sinus infection.Baby sounds congested after feeding related questions & answers.Perhaps, try to clear the nasal congestion with topical saline (saltwater) drops and then gentle use of a nasal aspirator.