What does Apology accepted mean
Apology usually applies to an expression of regret for a mistake or wrong with implied admission of guilt or fault and with or without reference to mitigating or extenuating circumstances.[noun] a defense especially of one's opinions, position, or actions.Though it is okay to cry or to express sadness, do not beg, plead, or yell.It's now easier to perspective shift when others get on your bad side.The first thing you need to do when your partner apologizes is offer some appreciation.
For a start, we must have clear evidence of authentic remorse.They would yell awful things at me, then a few hours later pretend like nothing happened.Said by way of apology that he would have met them if he could …The person to whom you are sorry knows it is hard for you to say sorry, but still, it is accepted if you are making efforts to do that.It also takes maturity and humility to accept an apology after you've been wronged.
In fact i accepted that i'll never see them again.Let them know that you accept their apology, and whether or not you can offer some forgiveness yet.