What are the responsibilities of a godparent
The role of the godparent in the orthodox church is an important one.Godparent, formally sponsor (from latin spondere, to promise), masculine godfather, feminine godmother, in christianity, one who stands surety for another in the rite of baptism.Through prayer, reminding them of their baptism, and by being a good role model.Together with the parents, the godparents are to present the infant at the baptism and help to lead the child to a christian way of life.The best way for this relationship to grow is through prayer.
As with any relationship, this spiritual one needs to be fostered and cared for in order for it to develop.Though this is the traditional way.[4] [5] a male godparent is a godfather, and a female godparent is a godmother.As with any relationship, this spiritual one needs to be fostered and cared for in order for it to develop.The best way for this relationship to grow is through prayer.
This means that he should attend church, observe the child's name day and birthday, and other special occasions, and participate in teaching the child about his orthodox faith.Usually, through the church or whatever religious ceremony practices, you have.This includes helping the child to faithfully fulfill the obligations connected with our catholic faith (canon 872).In catholic baptisms, godparents are typically referred to as sponsors.Rather, a godparent should be a trustworthy witness of the faith who will help the godchild attain salvation.
The godparent has significant responsibilities to the godchild, including teaching your child about god and encouraging them in their faith.Children will always have people in their lives that are special to them.A godparent may offer a significant degree of love and support to a family as part of their duties as an adult in the faith.The best way for this relationship to grow is through prayer.