Does GTA influence violence
Craig anderson at iowa state university and his colleagues conclude that exposure to violent video games is a causal risk.That doesn't mean it isn't possible, though the numbers suggest it's very unlikely.But research has shown mixed results.It's also obvious that gta can be a violent video game.Hence, the vision in the gta 5 world contributes to the normalization of the perception of illegal acts, as violence, sexism and hatred become in the core mind of the player.
He's far from the first to suggest that violent video games make children violent.Grand theft auto, the violent bestselling video game franchise, was in the news again this week for upgrading its game to allow players to have sex with a prostitute from the player point of.The authors reported three main findings:2) habitual exposure to violent media was associated with higher levels of recent violent behavior;They found that boys who played the games containing sexism and violence were more likely to identify with the character they were playing.
While many people play violent video games, few become violent.